Sam Cartsos
Co-Founder & Senior Partner
Sam co-founded Frameweld and leads product development and custom projects for clients. Focused on strategy, research, and user experience, he has successfully led Frameweld's work on its products and large projects for Columbia University, Westat, the National Education Association, the Pennsylvania Department of Education and many others over the years.

Ashish Shah
Co-Founder & Senior Partner
As a co-founder of the company, Ashish leads business development at Frameweld. His current focus is exploring applications for Frameweld's deep learning technology in government and other verticals. Ashish graduated with degrees in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering from the University of Mumbai and Stanford University, respectively.

Omar D. Ellis
Director of Technology
Omar leads Frameweld's software development and technical operations. He heads the dev team, providing leadership and direction on technology and systems used by and created at Frameweld. He works hand in hand with the business team at Frameweld, to deliver innovative, modular, high-performance, and secure software.
Frameweld Timeline
Click on a year to explore highlights. Open All
RecapdWe achieved a milestone of crossing 30,000 hours of live captions captured and archived in Recapd.
SyncWords UpdateLaunched Caption Automation for Spanish language enabling customers to generate captions automatically by syncing media and transcripts in Spanish.
State Data Quality ProfilesFrameweld Launched State Data Quality Profiles for the IDEA Data Center - an in-depth visualization of IDEA Data Quality across all states.
SyncWords UpdateWe updated the timing engine in SyncWords and improved the media-text sync accuracy by 20%.
Frameweld Awarded GSA IT Schedule 70 ContractFrameweld was awarded US General Services Administration (GSA) Information Technology (IT) Schedule 70 contract # GS-35F-506CA. As the largest and most widely used acquisition vehicle in the federal government, GSA IT Schedule 70 features fast, streamlined ordering procedures and the convenience of dealing directly with Frameweld.
Workshop LiveWe extended Workshop in a huge update, enabling it to publish websites for delivering events to audiences online. Responsive layouts and multiple live video formats enable almost anyone to participate, from their phones or on traditional computers, up to full HD resolutions. We included tools for managing live publishing workflows, smart software that archives events in moments for quick on-demand access, several live video streaming formats and options, live slide synchronization, and of course, live captioning.
IDEA Data CenterWe completed our first two years of work as a partner to Westat on the IDC project. In that time, we launched 10 major systems and online products, and 29 major updates to those systems, iterating and building on user feedback and needs, and the priorities of stakeholders and the project.
Encryption EverywhereWe completed the move to HTTPS on every one of our products and client projects. We obsessively perfected our SSL implementation and applied strong encryption to data at rest and in transit.
EncourseWe launched a learning platform for creating and delivering online courses that captures and builds on the best of our recent work for clients like Columbia University and the Pennsylvania Department of Education. It empowers instructional designers and educators to create custom learning workflows and implement courses using different instructional approaches, from blended and flipped-classroom models of instruction, to self-paced certification courses, and synchronous open courses (MOOCs).
Dignity HealthFrameweld began working with Dignity Health, the largest hospital chain on the West Coast, to create a customized learning platform for CME. The platform enables the health care provider to create and publish up to three courses per week using efficient workflows and automation. Frameweld migrated historic data from Dignity Health’s systems, revamped reporting tools, and introduced detailed learning analytics with custom dimensions.
WorkshopWe developed Workshop, the successor to Framewelder, as a better way to present video. Workflows and interfaces were redesigned to make creating video presentations a snap. Many related features, like delivering search results, were now easy to incorporate into any site.
Neural NetworksPursuing our caption automation research leads to innovative use of advanced machine learning technology, incorporating deep neural networks for phoneme classification.
App Dev Framework IVContinuous expansion and maturing of our framework. It had come so far we had to redub it at some point. Stronger support for OOP, testing automation, continuous integration, and API creation. Security and performance enhancements. Better support for integration of outside components and services, oAuth, and SAML.
RecapdWe launched our live captioning platform, Recapd, to deliver real-time captions to the web and mobile devices. We worked with the National Captioning Institute to serve hundreds of customers and provide access to countless end users for events, live meetings, webcasts, and classes.
Frameweld ToolkitOur Toolkit was an important upgrade to Frameweld's handling of javascript and advanced accessibility features using ARIA.
CASTUsing Frameweld's rich media technology, the National Center on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) created the UDL Series to provide web-based rich media presentations and resources to increase understanding of the UDL framework.
App Dev Framework III - Business and CodeA serious upgrade to AutoMVC, Business and Code introduces new features including support for NoSQL databases and generation of content management screens.
PaTTAN PortalFrameweld overhauled the public face of the Pennsylvania Department of Education's PaTTAN website, to better communicate with their audiences, make it highly accessible, and introduce a wide range of new tools.
Columbia UniversityWe redefined the way Columbia University delivers their continuing medical education (CME) online. We created a custom learning platform for CME with different learning workflow templates, based on user research, close collaboration with stakeholders, and ACCME guidelines. We included outcomes measurement workflows with configurable timeframes and rewards based on implementation science principles.
Solphr Video and Rich Media SearchFrameweld releases Solphr, an object-oriented search library that works with Apache's Solr to provide comprehensive search across libraries of video content, rich metadata, and multiple media elements.
QueryMaster as a PlatformQueryMaster emerged as a platform to help publishers and other organizations rapidly aggregate, enhance, and publish content focused on specific subject areas. The platform enabled community around large complex document sets, and empowered organizations to enhance content through cross-referencing and knowledge management tools.
PaTTAN Paraeducator TrainingFrameweld designed and created an online learning platform for training Pennsylvania's paraeducators. We tailored the system with custom learning workflows, specific to the needs of the Pennsylvania Department of Education, integrated with our rich media technology. To date, over 250,000 course certificates have been issued.
App Dev Framework II - AutoMVCFrameweld architects a new object-oriented application development framework with a strong emphasis on performance.
Machine LearningOur first use of machine learning analyzed newly discovered documents and accurately assessed their relevancy to a particular legal subject area. The semi-supervised machine learning algorithm used a weighted controlled vocabulary and a method for applying thousands of weighted terms to dynamically assess the relevancy of a document. The technology was integrated into our QueryMaster products and platform.
Framewelder RedWe added considerably to our media synchronization platform and overhauled the interfaces to make it client-facing. A template management system, archiving tools, and live video presentations were some of the highlights.
IDEA QueryMasterWe followed up with another QueryMaster implementation focused on the special education law, IDEA.
Global Hotel Response Card Data SystemAmerican Express consulted with Frameweld to design and develop an online system for capturing and analyzing comment card data from leading hotels around the world. Hotels and hotel chains had shared access to the data originating from their hotels.
Red Hat Solution Co-Branded for Dell, HP, and IBMThe partner training platform that Frameweld created for Red Hat is cloned and co-branded for its largest channel partners: Dell, HP, and IBM. Original content specific to the key partners was added and access rules were modified.
National Education AssociationFrameweld worked closely with the NEA, the nation's largest teacher union, to design a platform that would effectively capture knowledge and enable collaborative learning around the No Child Left Behind law and other important topics in education policy and practice.
NCLB QueryMasterQueryMaster becomes a web-based application. We implemented a version focused on the No Child Left Behind legislation for the NEA and then released it to other organizations. We collected and cross-referenced tens of thousands of pages of legal, regulatory, compliance, and other information to make information easily findable, understandable, and navigable.
US Institute of Peace in ArabicFrameweld implements support for the Arabic language and right to left text in its rich media presentation format to work with USIP on Arabic-language content. We also designed adapted print layouts for several of their publications and provided desktop publishing services for many print reports.
American Express Diversity TrainingFrameweld's rich media technology was chosen by American Express to deliver diversity training to staff around the world. Frameweld provided both the technology and the infrastructure for streaming to a global audience.
Case Management and Automated Reporting for US Dept of Labor GrantFrameweld created a case management system for a Department of Labor grant focused on at-risk youth. NUL used the system for the intake, outcomes measurement, and financial management of the program. The system fully automated complex monthly and quarterly reporting requirements to the federal government.
Frameweld managed and supported this tailored solution until 2011, modifying workflows, adding a considerable number of features and new reports, and launching modified instances for new grants.
Application Development FrameworkFrameweld created its first application development framework using PHP and PostgreSQL to maximize reuse of the software it created, and making it easier to maintain software across numerous projects.
Red Hat Worldwide Partner TrainingFrameweld developed Red Hat's worldwide partner training platform. We delivered the solution in seven languages, including Chinese, German, Korean, and others. We also introduced multilingual search features, custom usage tracking and reports, channels for posting questions, and other features to support learners.
Online Testing and Certification for US Dept of Labor InitiativeFrameweld introduces self-paced courses integrating its rich media technology with a learning management system for creating and delivering online assessments, assignments, and certificates. The system was used to assist the US Department of Labor's Youth Opportunity Grants and Youth Offender Demonstration sites with developing programs and delivering quality services. Our first learning platform.
NCATE PartnershipFrameweld partnered with NCATE on a three year US Department of Education grant to improve reading achievement and instruction. Working with graduate education programs in 28 colleges and universities, Frameweld led digital strategy and development of web-based tools and training.
FramewelderFrameweld releases the first iteration of a content management system for creating rich media presentations in the format it pioneered. The tool focused on providing an efficient user interface and workflows for synchronization of media. Our first web-based application.
Video SearchFrameweld introduces full-text search in its video presentation format. Our search solution allows users to navigate to results in the video timeline. The search utilizes caption data, when available, to make every spoken word findable.
The National Urban LeagueFrameweld's first national client is the venerable NUL. We deployed our software to enable media rich training to NUL affiliates across the country, focused on workforce development. It was our first online learning project.
QueryMaster softwareFrameweld creates its QueryMaster software which delivers large document collections, full-text search, cross-referencing, and other advanced features on CD-ROM.
WIA QueryMasterWe partnered with NUL to successfully create a QueryMaster product focused on the Workforce Investment Act. The tool was used across NUL affiliates and partner organizations as the go-to resource on WIA compliance and information. It was marketed and sold by NUL to the US Department of Labor, other federal agencies, many consultancies, and a variety of organizations.
Sales Training for IBMRational Software, soon to be acquired by IBM, adopted Frameweld's technology for delivering rich media training to its salesforce. The flexibility of Frameweld's presentation technology allowed for branded, custom layouts that supported Rational's goals. Rational used Frameweld's technology twice annually to deliver sales strategies and information related to new product offerings and product updates.
Frameweld is bornThe company came into existence at Athens Cafe in Astoria, Queens in October 2000. Instead of a garage, the well worn tables at Athens Cafe were our makeshift office. A limitless supply of frappe coffee and sandwiches was the fuel for our development and dreams.
Rich Media PrototypeFrameweld created a rich media presentation prototype using emerging video technologies and standards-based formats like SMIL. Our prototype emphasized the freedom to design custom user interfaces, choose media elements in a custom layout, dynamic bitrate-switching (for different dial-up speeds!), and accessibility through comprehensive captioning and keyboard navigation of elements.
Access for AllAlthough the concept of online accessibility was nascent at the time, Frameweld's commitment to access for all started on day one.